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== 別々に販売されていたが ==
Utopias are socially, politically and morally perfect unexisted ideal places. Utopias imagine the ideal future in harmony.
Spaces where are imagined as utopias, are realized by architecture because harmonic, measured, rational society which is created
as an utopia is expressed ratio, symmetry, geometry in architecture.
15人があり、私が言ったように、数ヶ月前に少し、少し増幅し、以前のように、我々はそう今21から22人Aがありますが、これは現時点では私たちの最も重要な課題である、複数のプラットフォーム用に開発しなければならなかった。私達の効率化によると、我々はまだ、バランスの広い範囲を確認する必要があります。今、私たちは、全負荷運転していたが、チームはまた、ジョブは、それぞれが最高の人々が今日のストーブを持っている彼らのハード·ロックの伝説と、アールになるために、非常によくやってしまった。 Blizzconこれは、当社のプラットフォーム上での選手、私たちの能力、そして私たちの将来の方向性の意見に耳を傾ける私たちの最初の機会です。
  A Brief History of Utopia and Architecture Relation
The most common part of architecture and utopia is city. From past to present, on literatures, utopia was created on unexisted,
isolated places. Architects also studied on these utopian cities for the future community. For example, in 1516, Thomas More was
mentioned about an island for his utopia and in 1602, Tommaso Campanella wrote the city of the sun and he created his utopian city
which is circular and symmetric and has communal places like kitchen, stores…In additionally, some of those books like Ebenezer Howard’s
‘’To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform ‘’ was constructed as Garden City in Letchworth, England. Also architects tried to find
ideal solutions for the future problems, for example, Le Corbusier in 1922-25 designed the plan voisin for Paris with habitation, leisure
and production zones. It is clustred habitation which can be enlarged. On the other hand, Some architetcts used architecture to reflect the
perfection, for instance, in 1784, Étienne-Louis_Boullée designed Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton as a reflection of cosmos. The monument is
a simple but perfect form. Interior of monument brighten by holes and because of the dark interior, light which comes from holes looks like
stars in the sky as a perfection of cosmos.
All studies about utopias refer the future however, nowadays all utopian ideas are about nostalgia, people imagine living a pure life
in a natural environment, the perfection is defined by the nature. When people imagine for their personal utopias, they want to eat more
natural foods, wear natural clothes, people are avoiding artificialness. Also city life make them tried because of that most of them
prefer to live near to their works. Utopian ideas turns to a simple and natural life from futuristic imagination.
どのようにして、現在の通常のゴールドカードああに対処するつもりですか?黄金の戦士Stormwindの、その後を取得することが現在ではほとんどでき、多くの人々 ?
[http://www.rmtwired.jp/game/ff11 FF11 RMT]

Latest revision as of 07:25, 20 November 2016


Utopias are socially, politically and morally perfect unexisted ideal places. Utopias imagine the ideal future in harmony. Spaces where are imagined as utopias, are realized by architecture because harmonic, measured, rational society which is created as an utopia is expressed ratio, symmetry, geometry in architecture.

  A Brief History of Utopia and Architecture Relation

The most common part of architecture and utopia is city. From past to present, on literatures, utopia was created on unexisted, isolated places. Architects also studied on these utopian cities for the future community. For example, in 1516, Thomas More was mentioned about an island for his utopia and in 1602, Tommaso Campanella wrote the city of the sun and he created his utopian city which is circular and symmetric and has communal places like kitchen, stores…In additionally, some of those books like Ebenezer Howard’s ‘’To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform ‘’ was constructed as Garden City in Letchworth, England. Also architects tried to find ideal solutions for the future problems, for example, Le Corbusier in 1922-25 designed the plan voisin for Paris with habitation, leisure and production zones. It is clustred habitation which can be enlarged. On the other hand, Some architetcts used architecture to reflect the perfection, for instance, in 1784, Étienne-Louis_Boullée designed Cenotaph for Sir Isaac Newton as a reflection of cosmos. The monument is a simple but perfect form. Interior of monument brighten by holes and because of the dark interior, light which comes from holes looks like stars in the sky as a perfection of cosmos.

All studies about utopias refer the future however, nowadays all utopian ideas are about nostalgia, people imagine living a pure life in a natural environment, the perfection is defined by the nature. When people imagine for their personal utopias, they want to eat more natural foods, wear natural clothes, people are avoiding artificialness. Also city life make them tried because of that most of them prefer to live near to their works. Utopian ideas turns to a simple and natural life from futuristic imagination.