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What is Wikitopia?

Wikitopia is a platform to imagine and express your own vision of Utopia. Thomas More's Utopia was composed by a singular individual. Wikitopia aims to open up the process of imagination and authorship by offering the opportunity for readers, collectively, to write and edit their own Utopia. And the beauty of a Wiki is that it’s never complete: there is always another iteration to be created and released. Utopia stays open. Become collective authors and editors of your own Utopia.

Can I Contribute?

Yes! Anyone can edit and add to Wikitopia. All you need to do is to simply click on the Edit tab and start writing.View history allows you to view the changes that have been made on the page. When you click on it, a list will be displayed of all the contributors and when their contribution was made. Discussion tab shows users’ discussion and possible revisions, debates…etc.

Can I Create My Own Wikitopia?

Yes, again! If you prefer starting your own Wikitopia rather than contributing to the main page, just search for whatever name you would like to call your Utopia using the search box in the upper right of the menu on your screen. Assuming you are the first person to discover this Utopia, you will prompted to "Create the page "Your Utopia Here" on this wiki!" Click on the link you and away you go. You now have your own page to create your own Wikitopia. When you are done with your own Wikitopia, please think about sharing parts of it with the main, collectively-created Wikitopia

Is My Wikitopia Just Mine?

It depends what you mean by "mine." You created it and, in that way, it will always be yours. But the first principle of Thomas More's Utopia was that all property was common property and, following that precept, all content on this site is protected by a Creative Commons license that ensures that no one -- including yourself -- can exclusively possess the ideas contained here and guarantees they will remain free for everyone -- including yourself -- to use. And, as with all Wiki-projects, your page and the main page are open to everyone - anyone can edit and add to Wikitopia, including yours. If you would like to have a link to your Wikitopia appear on the Main Page (and this is strongly encouraged) just send me an e-mail at stephen.duncombe [at] nyu.edu, telling me the name of your Wikitopia, and I'll make sure you are on the map.

What is the Open Utopia?

Open Utopia is the parent site of Wikitopia. It is an open-access, open-source, partially user-generated, web-based edition of Thomas More's classic 16th century tale of an alternative society: Utopia. In addition to offering a complete Creative Commons liscenced Englsh-language edition of More's master text, Utopia is presented in different formats in order to enhance it openness. If the visitor wishes to read Utopia online they can find a copy. If they want to download and copy a version, I’ve provided links to do so in different formats for different devices. In partnership with The Institute for the Future of the Book I provide an annotatable and “social” text available for visitors to comment upon what More – or I – have written, and then share their comments with others. Those who like to listen will find a reading of Utopia on audio files, and those who want to watch and look can browse the user-generated galleries of Utopia-themed art and videos. And for people interested in creating their own plan of an alternative society, I’ve created this Wikitopia, a wiki with which to collaborate with others in drafting a new Utopia.

What More Can I Do?

For starters, you can contribute to the other user-generated aspects of Open Utopia. You can share links to utopia-themed videos and images and I'll add them to the galleries. You cam also annotate More's Utopia and share your ideas with others through the Open Utopia Socialbook.

There are also countless Utopian experiments taking place all around, from community gardens to intentional communities to global demonstrations. Go out amd make your own Utopia. Just remember that Utopia is No-Place, and therefore it is up to all of us to find it.